SCIPaD: Incorporating Spatial Clues into Unsupervised Pose-Depth Joint Learning

Tongji University
T-IV 2024

Demo Video


Unsupervised monocular depth estimation frameworks have shown promising performance in autonomous driving. However, existing solutions primarily rely on a simple convolutional neural network for ego-motion recovery, which struggles to estimate precise camera poses in dynamic, complicated real-world scenarios. These inaccurately estimated camera poses can inevitably deteriorate the photometric reconstruction and mislead the depth estimation networks with wrong supervisory signals. In this article, we introduce SCIPaD, a novel approach that incorporates spatial clues for depth-pose joint learning. Specifically, a confidence-aware feature flow estimator is proposed to acquire 2D feature positional translations. Meanwhile, we introduce a positional clue aggregator, which integrates pseudo 3D point clouds from DepthNet and 2D feature flows into homogeneous positional representations. Finally, a hierarchical positional embedding injector is proposed to selectively inject spatial clues into semantic features for robust camera pose decoding. Extensive experiments and analyses demonstrate the superior performance of our model compared to other state-of-the-art methods. Our source code is available at


An illustration of our proposed SCIPaD framework. Compared with the traditional PoseNet architecture, it comprises three main parts: (1) a confidence-aware feature flow estimator, (2) a spatial clue aggregator, and (3) a hierarchical positional embedding injector.

An illustration of our proposed confidence-aware feature flow estimator. It takes batch-wise separated features as input, and produces feature flow \boldsymbol{S}^r_i and its confidence \boldsymbol{C}_i through a differentiable 2D soft argmax function.

Experimental results


  title={SCIPaD: Incorporating Spatial Clues into Unsupervised Pose-Depth Joint Learning},
  author={Feng, Yi and Guo, Zizhan and Chen, Qijun and Fan, Rui},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles},


This research was supported by the Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipal under Grant 22511104500, the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 62233013, the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, and the Xiaomi Young Talents Program.