SDA-SNE: Spatial Discontinuity-Aware Surface Normal Estimation via Multi-Directional Dynamic Programming
Nan Ming
Yi Feng
Rui Fan
The code can be found in this repository.


The state-of-the-art (SoTA) surface normal estimators (SNEs) generally translate depth images into surface normal maps in an end-to-end fashion. Although such SNEs have greatly minimized the trade-off between efficiency and accuracy, their performance on spatial discontinuities, e.g., edges and ridges, is still unsatisfactory. To address this issue, this paper first introduces a novel multi-directional dynamic programming strategy to adaptively determine inliers (co-planar 3D points) by minimizing a (path) smoothness energy. The depth gradients can then be refined iteratively using a novel recursive polynomial interpolation algorithm, which helps yield more reasonable surface normals. Our introduced spatial discontinuity-aware (SDA) depth gradient refinement strategy is compatible with any depth-to-normal SNEs. Our proposed SDA-SNE achieves much greater performance than all other SoTA approaches, especially near/on spatial discontinuities. We further evaluate the performance of SDA-SNE with respect to different iterations, and the results suggest that it converges fast after only a few iterations. This ensures its high efficiency in various robotics and computer vision applications requiring real-time performance. Additional experiments on the datasets with different extents of random noise further validate our SDA-SNE's robustness and environmental adaptability. Our source code, demo video, and supplementary material are publicly available at


[Youtube Video Link]

Paper and Supplementary Material

M. Nan, Y. Feng, R. Fan.
SDA-SNE: Spatial Discontinuity-Aware Surface Normal Estimation via Multi-Directional Dynamic Programming
In 3DV, 2022.
(hosted on ArXiv)



This work was supported by the National Key R&D Program of China, under grant No. 2020AAA0108100, awarded to Prof. Qijun Chen. This work was also supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, under projects No. 22120220184, No. 22120220214, and No. 2022-5-YB-08, awarded to Prof. Rui Fan.